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Contributed by Rita Meistrell 6/2002
This is a list of frequently used BC terms that you may or may not be familiar with.  By clicking on the beginning letter of the requested word, you will jump to that particular part of the list.

A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
Acinus  (ductile) The last portion of the epithelial duct system within the breast.  During pregnancy this portion of the epithelium secretes milk.

Alopecia loss of hair

Anatomic pathology Gross and microscopic study of tissues and organs

Ancillary additional

Aneuploid cells that have an abnormal amount of DNA, either too much or too little

Architecture How cells relate to each other

Areola the darker pigment that surrounds the nipple on the breast

Asymptomatic without symptoms

Atypia- cellular changes that suggest malignancy

Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia abnormally shaped cells in the breast lobule

Axillary Lymph Nodes the lymph nodes in the armpit

Basement Membrane Material characteristically found under epithelial cells, between the cells and the stroma.

Benign A mild or non-malignant character

Biopsy the removal of tissue used for diagnosis

Cancer A term used to indicate various types of malignant processes.

Carcinoma A malignant tumor of epithelial origin.

Carcinoma in situ In the breast, a malignancy that is confined to the duct system, or lobule

Cell The cell is enclosed in a membrane and composed of a nucleus and cytoplasm.

Classification Arrangement into groups based on established criteria.

Clear Margin the tissue surrounding the tumor that has no sign of cancer

Colloid Cancer also called mucinous cancer

Comedonecrosis Necrotic (dead) and nuclear debris within a lumen

Connective tissue Cells that form the framework providing a support structure for other body tissues.

Cribiform a mesh-like pattern of cancer growth in the ducts

Cytotoxic Agents Chemicals that destroy cells

Diffuse scattered

Diploid having the correct amount of chromosomes (2 sets)

Distal far from the point of origin

DCIS Ductal Cancer in Situ

Duct a tubular structure with a lumen and an epithelial layer, surrounded by a basement membrane, that serves to carry the secretions of glandular epithelium.

Ductal Cell a cell in the milk duct of the breast

Endogenous Estrogen estrogen produced in the body

Epithelium A cellular tissue covering a surface or lining a tube.  There are normally two epithelial layers in the breast.

Expander a flexible implant that is placed under the tissue and is manually expanded by filling with saline

Gland cells that secrete

Grade A classification system to describe tumor activity.

Her-2/neu Oncogene an oncogene that is abnormally stimulated to produce an excess of protein affecting cell division in the breast

Histological grade the microscopic evaluation of a cancer

Hyperplasia an increased number of cells

In Situ localized

Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma cancerous cells in the breast lobule that have spread to the surrounding breast tissue

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma cancerous cells that have escaped the breast duct and have invaded the surrounding tissue

Isoflavone a chemical found in soy products

LCIS Lobular Carcinoma In Situ

Lesion An abnormality due to injury or disease

Lobular cell cell that makes milk

Local control control of the cancer in the breast

Local Recurrence return of the cancer to the breast

Lumen A central space or cavity of a tube lined with epithelial cells.

Lumpectomy also called Wide Local Excision, surgical removal of the tumor with a margin of tissue without cancer

Lymph node a small, bean shaped organs that filters the lymph before it dumps it into the blood stream

Malignant Having the property of uncontrollable growth 

Margin The edge of tissue removed

Mastitis Inflammation or infection of the breast

Metastatic breast cancer cancer that has traveled from the breast to another part of the body

Microcalcifications Mineral deposits that may be associated with benign epithelium, malignant epithelium or stroma. They sometimes show up on mammograms in association with fast growing cells.

Microinvasive cancer cancer that has spread to surrounding tissues on a microscopic level

Mitotic rate rate at which cells are dividing

Necrosis dead tissue surrounded by healthy tissue

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy the use of chemotherapy before and/or after tumor removal

Neuropathy damage of the nerves that might involve numbness, tingling and/or pain

Nucleus The central portion of the cell that contains the genetic material 

Oncogene A gene that encourages a cell to become malignant

Palpable capable of being felt

Paget's disease Malignant tumor cells within the squamous epithelium of the nipple.

Papillary Cancer type of ductal cancer

Perimenopausal the time prior to menopause

Phytoestrogens an estrogen-like substance that is created by plants

Pleomorphic Lobular Cancer a more aggressive form of lobular cancer

Prosthesis an artificial substitute for part of the body

Proximal Nearest the point of origin

Receptor a cell component that combines with hormones or drugs that alter the function of the cell

Remission when the cancer appears to be inactive

Sentinel Node the first lymph node draining from the area of the tumor

SERM selective estrogen receptor modulators

Simulation radiation planning session where the radiation area is mapped out

S-Phase the synthetic phase of cell division
Squamous The multi-layered epithelium of the skin, nipple and most proximal portion of the breast ducts.

Stem Cell an immature blood cell that can generate new bone marrow

Stroma The supportive framework of an organ, usually composed of connective tissue.

Systemic Control control of the cancer throughout the entire body

Transient Menopause rapid onset of menopause induced by chemotherapy

TRAM flap transverse rectus abdominis mycutaneous flap; breast reconstructive surgery that uses skin from the abdomen

Tumor An abnormal mass of tissue.  Tumors can be benign or malignant.

Tubular cancer a rare form of slow growing ductal cancer

Wide Local Excision a lumpectomy