Breast Cancer Survivors and Friends

Questions to Ask
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Contributed by Kathy Harris 5/2002
If you're visiting us, it's because of breast cancer - you, a loved one, or a friend has just received the diagnosis of breast cancer and you don't know what to do.

I personally know the thought of breast cancer is terrifying enough without having to worry about surgery, treatment or survival.  I went through the diagnosis, modified radical mastectomy, chemo and mediport ten years ago, and free-flap reconstruction four years ago.
Below you'll find a list of preliminary questions to ask the doctor. You will probably be completely overwhelmed by the doctor's answers, so print this out and try to write down what your doctor says. Remember hindsight is 20-20.

Questions to Ask
1.  Surgical options: Lumpectomy or mastectomy.
2.  If mastectomy, modified radical or full mastectomy. In a full mastectomy, they remove chest muscle also.  In modified radical mastectomy, they leave chest muscle intact.
3.  Will they be removing any axillary nodes from under the arm?  Y/N
4.  Length of stay in hospital ____________________. Many insurance companies insist in drive-thru mastectomies.  Be sure that you're going to be allowed to stay in the hospital after surgery.
5.  Is cancer estrogen responsive? Y/N  Biopsy report should indicate the answer to this question.
6.  Treat options
            a) Chemotherapy.  Which drugs? _____________________
            b) Radiation.  How often? _________How long? _________
            c) Both chemo and radiation.
            d) Taxol or Taxotere?
            e) Will you have to take any other drugs? Y/N  If so, which 
            ones and why? __________________________
7.  Length of treatment. (Number of treatments they expect you to get
     and for how long)
            a) Chemo   # of treatments _______How long? __________
            b)  Radiation.  # of treatments ________ How long? _______
8.  Side effect of treatments
            a) Chemo _______________________________________
            b) Radiation _____________________________________
9.  Should you have someone accompany you to your treatments?
10.  What is the prognosis for recovery?
11.  Will there be any need for physical therapy afterwards?
12.  Reconstruction (if mastectomy)  Timing of reconstruction.
            a) Immediately following mastectomy
            b)  How long after surgery? Months, years, etc.
13.  Reconstruction (if mastectomy)  Type of reconstruction?
            a) Saline or silicone implants
            b) Your own body tissue, i.e., abdominal (free or TRAM) or
            from another part of the body.