My husband and I tried for two years to get pregnant. We found out that we
were going to have a baby one month before my 30th birthday. What a great
birthday present. The next 3 months were filled with nothing but Baby. We were
so excited and could not wait to welcome a newborn into our family.
It was 1968 and I was only 18. In my left breast was a fairly large lump. Because two of my aunts had been diagnosed
with breast cancer, I feared the worst. I knew little about breast cancer in those days. I didn't know that most lumps are
benign and breast cancer at my age would be extremely rare. I was SO relieved when the doctor assured me that it wasn't cancer.
To give me peace of mind, I decided to have the lump removed. It was indeed found to be a benign fibroadenoma.
I have been told and have read in much of the literature I have received since April 2002 that each personīs experience
with cancer is different. Each approach to treatment is different. Each personīs reaction to treatment, different. Anyone
you stand next to, anywhere, will be different from you, even an identical twin.